
I could write a lot here about how I'm going to change the world or bring fresh ideas to the table, but that's honestly not what this section is about. My name is Darcy, and I grew up in a small town called Shrewsbury, right on the border of Wales, so I have always found myself immersed in the outdoors one way or another. 
My filming journey started when I was 12 years old. When I was younger, I used to try to replicate high-grade mountain bike edits on my GoPro HD Hero and wondered why I wasn't getting the results (I was a kid and kept searching for that hidden source). I slowly but surely, without even knowing it, formed a love for capturing moments, whether that be on a family holiday running around with a makeshift steadicam made from a stick and a water bottle or filming my friends on their mountain bikes at the weekend. This desire to create things that made people feel something grew and grew and very much consumed me, and I LOVED IT! 
I've been extremely lucky to work with some amazing people and brands along the way, such as Red Bull, Adidas, YT Industries, Trek, Hope, Continental, and many more. My unique style, formed from the extreme sports industry, has greatly influenced my other work, giving it energy, which we all need in this day and age. Oh, and I forgot to add, those fresh ideas and changing the world... I got you!

“Whether that be on a family holiday running around with a makeshift steadicam made from a stick and a water bottle”.